19 challenging thoughts about leadership
Koen Marichal - Jesse Segers
People demonstrate leadership whenever they take responsibility for change in their environment, because they believe things can or must be different. Leaders have a personal story to tell. About the challenges in the real world. About their striving for higher ideals and their quest for a better future.
ISBN 9789033496066 / Acco / 2014 / 1st editie / 160p. / pb /
19 challenging thoughts about leadership
Koen Marichal - Jesse Segers
People demonstrate leadership whenever they take responsibility for change in their environment, because they believe things can or must be different. Leaders have a personal story to tell. About the challenges in the real world. About their striving for higher ideals and their quest for a better future.
ISBN 9789033496066 / Acco / 2014 / 1st editie / 160p. / pb /