Appreciative Inquiry : Het basiswerk
25,95 € 25,95 € 25.95 EUR
Frank Barrett - Ron Fry - Herman Wittockx

Dit boek is een introductie op de theorie en praktijk van Appreciative Inquiry en bevat de oorspronkelijke concepten, doorspekt met Europeese accenten. Ron Fry, Frank Barrett en Herman Wittockx stonden mee aan de basis van de ontwikkeling van de methode en laten zien hoe Europese organisaties vanuit de A/I-benadering begeleid werden om hun droom werkelijkheid te laten worden.

ISBN : 9789077432518 / LannooCampus / 2010 / 1ste editie
Appreciative Inquiry : Waarderende werkvormen voor trainers, teamcoaches en veranderaars
23,50 € 23,50 € 23.5 EUR
Matthijs Steeneveld

Dit boek biedt een scala aan werkvormen om appreciative inquiry toe te passen in teams en organisaties. Voor elke stap van het proces zijn er verschillende interventies en manieren om ermee aan de slag te gaan, van creatieve vormen tot waarderende gesprekken. Daarnaast legt het boek de basis van appreciative inquiry uit: de onderliggende principes en de 6V-cirkel.

ISBN : 9789024428762 / Boom / 2020 / 1ste editie
Appreciative Inquiry Handbook For Leaders of Change
49,95 € 49,95 € 49.95 EUR
David Cooperrider - Diana Whitney - Jacqueline Stavros

One of today's most popular change methods, Appreciative Inquiry (AI) has been used to undertake transformational initiatives in dozens of organizations, ranging from McDonald's to the U.S.Navy to Save the Children. The assumption of AI is simple : Every organization has something that works right - things that give it life when it is vital, effective, and successful. AI begins by identifying this positive core and connectiong organizational visions, plans, and structures to it in ways that heighten energy and inspire action for change

ISBN : 9781576754931 / Berreth-Koehler / 2008 / 2nd / 454p / pb / €49.95
Appreciative Inquiry for change management : Using AI to facilitate organizational development
35,95 € 35,95 € 35.95 EUR
Sarah Lewis - Jonathan Passmore - Stefan Cantore

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is one of the most exciting and increasingly recognized concepts in facilitating organizational change. This book studies AI in depth, illustrating the method of asking particular questions and envisioning the future, encouraging staff to consider both the positive and negative systems in place and to recognize the need to implement change. It demonstrates how AI can be practically applied by combining the skills, perspectives and approaches you will learn from this book into a practical conversational approach to your organizational challenges. It also takes a look at other techniques used to create change through conversation.

ISBN 9780749477912X / Kogan Page / 2016 / 2nd editie / 284p. / pb /
Appreciative Inquiry for change management : Using AI to facilitate organizational development
29,95 € 29,95 € 29.95 EUR
Sarah Lewis - Jonathan Passmore - Stefan Cantore

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is one of the most exciting and increasingly recognized concepts in facilitating organizational change. This book studies AI in depth, illustrating the method of asking particular questions and envisioning the future, encouraging staff to consider both the positive and negative systems in place and to recognize the need to implement change. It demonstrates how AI can be practically applied by combining the skills, perspectives and approaches you will learn from this book into a practical conversational approach to your organizational challenges. It also takes a look at other techniques used to create change through conversation.

ISBN 9780749477912 / Kogan Page / 2016 / 2nd editie / 284p. / pb / €49.95 / ny €29.95
Appreciative Inquiry to spiritual wisdom
19,95 € 19,95 € 19.95 EUR
Chapagain, Chandi Prasad

A distinctive combination of theories, principles, research, innovations and practices of positive approaches for world renewal

ISBN 9789937834801 / Aldim Nepal / 337p / pb / €19.95
Appreciative Intelligence: Seeing the Mighty Oak in the Acorn. Discover the ability behind Creativity, Leadership and Success
19,95 € 19,95 € 19.95 EUR
Tojo Thatchenkery - Carol Metzker

The secret to success lies in something that everyone has the ability to do: reframe reality to reveal the hidden potential within even the most apparently unpromising present. "Appreciative Intelligence marks the first time that this ability has been rigorously investigated.

ISBN 9781576753538 / Berrett Koehler / 2006 / 1st / 214p. / hc / €29.95 / nu €19.95
Appreciative Leaders : In the Eye of the Beholder
24,95 € 24,95 € 24.95 EUR
Marjorie Schiller - Bea Mah Holland - Deanna Riley

This book presents a model of Appreciative Leadership based on twenty-eight interviews, fifteen of which are included in the book. This small but comprehensive sample reveals the outstanding characteristics of appreciative leaders and their predominant behavioral attributes. The ways appreciative leaders engage in their daily practices are outlined in detail.

ISBN : 9780971231207 / Taos Institute / 2002 / 2nd / 184p / pb / €24.95
Appreciative Leadership : Focus on what works to drive winning performance and build a thriving organization
33,00 € 33,00 € 33.0 EUR
Diana Whitney - Amanda Trosten-Bloom - Kae Rader

"Appreciative Leadership" toont u aan hoe u uw team volledig kunt mobiliseren met behulp van appeciative inquiry en open dialogen. Uw medewerkers voelen zich betrokken, onmisbaar, gemotiveerd en gewaardeerd. ‘Appreciative Leadership’ biedt technieken om de discussie te beginnen, om ideeën uit te wisselen en om steun te winnen voor uw plannen. Bovendien krijgt u tips om uw team op het juiste spoor te houden.

ISBN : 9780071714068 / McGraw-Hill / 2010 / 1ste editie
Appreciative Leadership : Focus on what works to drive winning performance and build a thriving organization
33,00 € 33,00 € 33.0 EUR
Diana Whitney - Amanda Trosten-Bloom - Kae Rader

"Appreciative Leadership" toont u aan hoe u uw team volledig kunt mobiliseren met behulp van appeciative inquiry en open dialogen. Uw medewerkers voelen zich betrokken, onmisbaar, gemotiveerd en gewaardeerd. ‘Appreciative Leadership’ biedt technieken om de discussie te beginnen, om ideeën uit te wisselen en om steun te winnen voor uw plannen. Bovendien krijgt u tips om uw team op het juiste spoor te houden.

ISBN 9780071714068 / McGraw-Hill / 2010 / 1ste editie / 230p. / hc /
Appreciative Sharing of Knowledge : Leveraging Knowledge Management for Strategic Change
19,95 € 19,95 € 19.95 EUR
Tajo Thatchenkery

True knowledge sharing in organizations occurs less regularly than most of us think. What can be done to help create a system in which people share the internal "know-how" unique to each organization? In this contribution to change management, Tojo Thatchenkery describes a brand new methodology called Appreciate Sharing of Knowledge [ASK] and provides a step-by-step tool kit for anyone interested in knowledge management.

ISBN : 9780788021374 / Taos Institute / 2011 / 1th editie
Appreciative Sharing of Knowledge : Leveraging Knowledge Management for Strategic Change
19,95 € 19,95 € 19.95 EUR
Tajo Thatchenkery

True knowledge sharing in organizations occurs less regularly than most of us think. What can be done to help create a system in which people share the internal "know-how" unique to each organization? In this contribution to change management, Tojo Thatchenkery describes a brand new methodology called Appreciate Sharing of Knowledge [ASK] and provides a step-by-step tool kit for anyone interested in knowledge management.

ISBN 9780788021374 / Taos Institute / 2011 / 1th editie / 121p. / pb /
Arbeid en modernisering : Een inleiding in de sociaal-wetenschappelijke bestudering van arbeidsvraagstukken
20,00 € 20,00 € 20.0 EUR
L Beukema - H Coenen - B Valkenburg

'Werken aan arbeid, organisatie en management' belicht in deze uitgave arbeidsvraagstukken vanuit de interdisciplinaire invalshoek.

ISBN : 9789051896626 / Lemma / 1996 / 1ste editie
Arbeidsrelaties en onderneming : Vernieuwing in theorie, empirie en praktijk
36,00 € 36,00 € 36.0 EUR
Rien Huiskamp

Lange tijd heeft de persoonlijke arbeidsrelatie tussen werkgever en werknemer in de schaduw gestaan van de collectieve arbeidsverhoudingen. Ontwikkelingen in ondernemingen (denk aan flexibilisering) en in de samenleving (denk aan individualisering) hebben daar verandering in gebracht.

ISBN : 9789059310902 / Lemma / 2003 / 1ste editie
Arbeidsvoorwaarden : Beleid en Toepassing
20,00 € 20,00 € 20.0 EUR
Jan Plug

Dit boek verschaft een inleiding op het brede beleidsterrein van arbeidsvoorwaarden.

ISBN : 9789024416738 / Nelissen / 2004 / 1ste editie
Architect of Quality : The autobiography of Dr. Joseph M Juran
24,95 € 24,95 € 24.95 EUR
Joseph M. Juran

In "Architect of Quality," the man who helped invent and champion quality management systems, quality circles, and teams long before they became standard practice tells the inspiring story of his life.

ISBN 9780071426107 / McGraw Hill / 2004 / 1st / 378p / hc / 24.95p.
Arm & rijk in Nederland - Hoe het echt zit met inkomen en vermogen
15,00 € 15,00 € 15.0 EUR
Willem Vermeend

Op basis van cijfers en trends verkent Vermeend de toenemende kloof tussen arm en rijk. Hij gaat lijnrecht in tegen het toekomstbeeld van econoom Thomas Piketty, die een samenleving van renteniers voorspelt waarbij de rijken ten koste van de armen steeds rijker worden en overal de dienst gaan uitmaken.

ISBN : 9789048821655 / Carrera / 2014 / 1ste editie
Armstrong's Essential Human Resource Management Practice
24,95 € 24,95 € 24.95 EUR
Michael Armstrong

Armstrong's Essential Human Resource Management Practice provides a complete overview of the practices and processes fundamental to managing people. The text provides a thorough introduction to the core areas of HR including: people resourcing, performance management, learning and development and rewarding people. It also examines the contribution of HR to organizational aims and objectives and how it is integrated within the business. The book is accompanied by online resources for both lecturers and students.

ISBN : 9780749459895 / Kogan Page / 2010 / 1st / 424p / pb / €48.95 / nu €24.95
Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice
25,95 € 25,95 € 25.95 EUR
Michael Armstrong

Suitable for students and practitioners of HRM, this title provides a resource for understanding and implementing HR in relation to the needs of the business as a whole, and includes coverage of key areas essential to the HR function. It encourages and facilitates effective learning.

ISBN : 9780749465506 / Kogan Page / 2012 / 12th / 752p / pb / €75 / nu €25.95
Armstrong's Handbook of Management and Leadership : Developing Effective People Skills for Better Leadership and Management
24,95 € 24,95 € 24.95 EUR
Michael Armstrong

In order to make an effective contribution, HR specialists have to be good at management, leadership and developing themselves and others. However in addition, they need to be aware of the management and business considerations that affect their work.

ISBN : 9780749465520 / Kogan Page / 2012 / 3th / 368p / pb / €46.90/ nu €24.95