Dynamisch onthaasten : Efficiënt werken en toch genieten van het leven
20,00 € 20,00 € 20.0 EUR
Nicole Vandeweghe

Dit boek is een eenvoudig bruikbare methode voor het beheersen van stress in het dagelijks leven en in crismomenten. Het is de neerslag van de praktijkervaring van Nicole Vandeweghe in stressreductie bij individuen, groepen uit het bedrijfsleven en andere organisaties. De basisdenkwijzen en – technieken uit de sofrologie, de posturale integratie en de biofeedback komen samen tot een eenvoudig bruikbare methode voor het beheersen van stress in het dagelijks leven en in crisismomenten.

ISBN : 97890 / / / 2de editie
Opzetten of uitbouwen van mentorschap in uw organisatie : Implementeren van peter/meesterschap voor nieuwkomers en bestaande medewerkers in het kader van loopbaanontwikkeling
93,00 € 93,00 € 93.0 EUR
Helga Gielen - Sara De Clerck

Dé praktische handleiding voor het opzetten of uitbouwen van een formeel mentoringprogramma, aangevuld met wetenschappelijke onderzoeksbevindingen over de effecten van dergelijke programma's.

ISBN : 9789046520000 / Kluwer / / editie
De snelheid van vertrouwen (The Speed of Trust) : Dat wat alles verandert
29,90 € 29,90 € 29.900000000000002 EUR
Stephen Covey - Rebecca Merrill

Vertrouwen is voor velen nog altijd ontastbaar, soft en een sociale waarde, maar volgens Stephen M.R. Covey (zoon van Stephen R. Covey) is vertrouwen een keihard economisch meetbaar managementinstrument. Samen met co-auteur Rebecca Merrill legt hij uit waarom vertrouwen de kritische succesfactor is van de nieuwe economie. Vervolgens laat hij zien hoe u dat vertrouwen wekt en geeft, zowel aan uw medewerkers als uw klanten, aandeelhouders en andere belanghebbenden, waardoor uw organisatie meer snelheid maakt, minder kosten heeft, meer omzet behaalt en u en uw medewerkers bovendien meer energie krijgen.

ISBN : 97890470008777 / Business Contact / / 6de editie
The Innovator's Dilemma : The revolutionary book that will change the way you do business
19,95 € 19,95 € 19.95 EUR
Clayton Christensen

In this revolutionary bestseller, Harvard professor Clayton M. Christensen says outstanding companies can do everything right and still lose their market leadership -- or worse, disappear completely. And he not only proves what he says, he tells others how to avoid a similar fate.

ISBN : 9780060521998 / Collins / 2006 / editie
A kick in the seat of the pants : Using your Explorer, Artist, Judge & Warrior to be more creative
17,95 € 17,95 € 17.95 EUR
Roger von Oech

When was the last time you had a creative idea? This morning? Last month? Last year? Sometimes you need A Kick in the Seat of the Pants to get your thinking going. This book does just that by taking you on a guided tour through the four roles of the creative process-Explorer, Artist, Judge, and Warrior.

ISBN : 9780060960247 / Business Plus / 1986 / 1st editie
Bringing out the best in people : How to apply the astonishing power of reinforcement
24,95 € 24,95 € 24.95 EUR
Aybrey Daniels

The classic bestseller on performance management is updated to reflect changes in today’s working environment. Daniels illustrates how to create effective recognition and rewards systems in line with today’s employees want, stimulate innovations and creativity in new and exciting ways, overcome problems associated with poorly educated people and motivate employees from the minute they join the workforce. O P Bestelling 4885

ISBN : 9780071351454 / McGraw-Hill / 2000 / 2nd editie
How to measure Human Resources Management
29,95 € 29,95 € 29.95 EUR
Jac Fitz-Enz - Barbara Davison

Jac Fitz-Enz is the pioneer on the field of human benchmarking and performance management. This publication is designed to help HR managers confidently measure all major personnel functions and make tough decisions.

ISBN : 9780071369985 / McGraw Hill / 2002 / 3th / €54.95 / nu €29.95
Toyota Talent : Developing your people The Toyota Way
30,00 € 30,00 € 30.0 EUR
Liker - Meijer Jeffrey - David

For years Toyota was one of the world’s most profitable companies, and managers worldwide are eager for the methods and models behind the organization’s success. This book explores Toyota’s secrets to building an exceptional workforce.

ISBN : 9780071477451 / / 2007 / editie
Mobilizing minds : Creating wealth from talent in the 21th century organization
19,95 € 19,95 € 19.95 EUR
Lowell Bryan - Claudia Joyce

A new, forward thinking management strategy for creating wealth and overcoming complexity in today’s high-growth global economy. Twenty years ago, McKinsey’s ‘Reengineering the Corporation’ delivered a radical model for creating wealth – by eliminating layers and reducing bureaucracy. Now, McKinsey’s Bryan and Joyce chart a new frontier that will set the agenda in global growth for decades to come, by unleashing profit through alliances and partnerships that leverage the potent knowledge of the ambitious knowledge worker.

ISBN : 9780071490825 / / 2007 / 1st / 318p / hc / €29.95 / nu €19.95
Lateral thinking : a textbook of creativity
16,55 € 16,55 € 16.55 EUR
de Bono Edward

“Thinking is a skill, it can be developed and improved if one knows how”. This book, an internationally bestseller, is a textbook of creativity. It shows how the habit of lateral thinking can be encouraged and new ideas generated.

ISBN : 9780140137798 / / 1990 / editie
Understanding organizations
23,35 € 23,35 € 23.35 EUR
Handy Charles

“Understanding Organizations” offers an extended ‘dictionary’ of the key concepts: culture, motivations, leadership, role-playing, co-ordinating and consultation – and then shows how this ‘language’ can help us find new solutions to familiar problems. All organizations need to select, develop and reward their people; to structure and design their work; to resolve political conflicts and to plan for their future.

ISBN : 9780140156034 / / 2005 / 4th editie
Teach yourself to think
15,45 € 15,45 € 15.450000000000001 EUR
Edward de Bono

Thinking is the most fundamental skill. Your happiness and your success depend upon your thinking.

ISBN : 9780140230772 / Penguin / 1996 / editie
Writers on organizations
18,40 € 18,40 € 18.400000000000002 EUR
Pugh Derek

Who has said what about organizations and their management? This handy compendium gives easy access to the principal ideas of the leading authorities. Brief, clear resumes bring out the main thrust of their thinking. This book covers the structure and national and international environments of organizations, management problems, managerial decision-making and influence, people problems, and organizational change and learning.

ISBN : 9780140250237 / / 2007 / 6th editie
Inside organizations : 21 ideas for managers
20,20 € 20,20 € 20.2 EUR
Handy Charles

How do organizations work? How good a manager are you? Almost all of us are faced with these questions at some point. Organizing is a part of our lives. This book brings together 21 ideas which show you how to work with and through other people.

ISBN : 9780140275100 / / 1999 / editie
New thinking for the new millenium
16,55 € 16,55 € 16.55 EUR
de Bono Edward

The thinking of the last millennium has been concerned with “what is” – the thinking of analysis, criticism and argument. We need to concentrate on thinking concerned “what can be”. This is thinking that is creative and constructive and seeks to solve problems and conflicts by designing a way forward.

ISBN : 9780140287769 / / 2000 / editie
Writers on leadership
23,35 € 23,35 € 23.35 EUR
Maurik John

Leaders may be born as much as made, although leadership skills can certainly be developed in those with the right potential. John van Maurik, one of today's acknowledged experts on leadership, distils the ideas of over thirty "gurus", academics and practioners from Douglas Mcgregor, Kenneth Blanchard and John Adair to Meredith Belbin, Peter Senge, warren Bennis and John Harvey-Jones

ISBN : 9780140293050 / / 2001 / editie
Organization theory : Selected Classic Readings
31,80 € 31,80 € 31.8 EUR
Pugh Derek

This book spans 70 years of theory from Max Weber’s seminal writings on bureaucratic organization to the latest management thinking represented by Handy, Peters and Waterman. This publication covers three main areas of interest: the structure of organizations, management and decision making, and organizational behavior.

ISBN : 9780141032707 / / / 5th editie
Coaching skills : a handbook
39,95 € 39,95 € 39.95 EUR
Rogers Jenny

“Coaching Skills” helps readers to acquire the skills that are essential for becoming an outstanding coach. This practical and readable book is enlivened by many case studies to accompany the theory. Based on many years’ experience of what coaches actually struggle with in practice, it is a must for the growing band of executive and life coaches, as well as managers who want to learn how to adapt coaching as an approach to leadership.

ISBN : 9780335225521 / McGraw Hill - Open University Press / 2008 / 2nd editie
Coaching, mentoring and organizational consultancy: Supervision and Development
19,95 € 19,95 € 19.95 EUR
Peter Hawkins - Nick Smith

What are the key skills needed to be successful coach, mentor or supervisor? How can personal development be effectively facilitated? What are the ethical guidelines for practicing as a coach, mentor or organizational consultant? In the last ten years, there has been an enormous growth in the fields of coaching, mentoring and consultancy

ISBN : 9780335218158 / Open University Press / 2006 / 1st / 348p / pb / €42.40 / nu €19.95
Psychological dimensions to executive coaching
31,15 € 31,15 € 31.150000000000002 EUR
Peter Bluckert

This book provides the framework for a psychological approach to executive coaching. It analyzes what constitutes effective coaching, stressing the importance of sound coaching principles. It also examines the impact of a stronger psychological approach to coaching, exploring the key psychological competencies required, how to develop them, and the training and supervision issues implicit in this approach.

ISBN : 9780335220618 / Open University Press / / editie